Sex & Marriage
50 Shades of Perversion
“Women just feel like it’s O.K. to read it,” she said. “It’s taboo for women to admit that they watch pornography, but for some reason it’s O.K. to admit that they’re reading it (50 Shades of Grey).” -Fan
Homosexual Indoctrination
Homosexual Indoctrination Grade 12 Curriculum to Start in British Columbia Schools [Excerpts]
Freedom From Inordinate Affections
After we come to Christ as Saviour, we need to carefully check our former friends and associates. Where there have been wrong activities, a confession of actions, thoughts, desires and attitudes as sins is necessary, claiming forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:9). Many, if not all, of these friendships and […]
I Became a Slave to Sex
I was born and raised a Roman Catholic, attending the Catholic grade and high schools. I grew up having doubts about the religious system I had been taught, in spite of repeated assurances that the Roman Catholic was the only true church. I now see that the main reason for […]
Renunciation of Sexual Sins
Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God who takes away the sin of all those who repent and confess Him as Lord. The blood of Christ cleanses me from all sin. I claim freedom from all filth […]
Sex and the Single Christian Male
It is surprising and dismaying to realize how the devil can work on a fellow when he does not understand some of the simple physiological mechanics of his own body. In the first place, we are very sexual creatures; we were so created. The sex drive in a man gives […]
Walking Time Bombs
Many have rightly been concerned that all too often preachers and other Christian leaders reach an apex in their ministries and then fall into sexual or other serious sins, demolishing all that has been accomplished. Whole churches and many young believers have been shaken and hurt by such a tumble. […]
Woman, 25 Years Old (Marriage)
Raised in a Baptist home, I received Christ as my Savior when I was seven. I am the third of five children, with one older sister. My father was openly partial to her and at a very early age I felt the bitter sting of being rejected, unwanted and unloved. […]
Marriage Breaking Spirits
Marital relationships are often broken or marred by the work of evil spirits which commonly work in the husband. Because of wrong information and erroneous conditioning in our society, he will lust after his wife. This lust expresses itself in a strong masculine sex drive with selfishness and a brutal […]