Freed from Religious Spirits
I had been a Roman Catholic for 30 years when my husband and I began to attend Catholic Charismatic meetings. It was here we both became born-again, spirit-filled believers. As the spirit of god led us, we began to seek truth, for “God is a Spirit and they that worship […]
Man, 25 Years Old (Caught on the Horns of Deception)
I was two and a half years into my second marriage and we were attending a small prayer and Bible study group which met in a home. Much to our surprise, the lady of the house began to cast out demons from those in attendance. Since we were all amateurs […]
Religious Deception
We are warned of false prophets and teachers (Matthew 7:15-27; Mark 13:22; Acts 20:28-32; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4; 1 John 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1). Many claiming to give prophetic words are not from the Lord. They will often claim direct revelation from God and insist it must be obeyed without […]