Arrested Development
Woman, 40 Years Old (Freed from Dyslexia)
My nephew had problems in school for years and was finally diagnosed as being dyslexic. After this happened I remembered how difficult my own school years were. My sister said that dyslexia runs in families and my mother remarked that she thought it was a family line curse. I checked […]
Dyslexia and Related Learning Disabilities (Excerpts)
Our son was conceived, born and reared with the wonderful knowledge of deliverance. However we noticed at age six he was reversing letters such as P, B, D, etc., and numbers such as 7 and 3. I had heard about a neurological problem called dyslexia which caused this and many […]
Man, 34 Years Old (Perpetual Babyhood)
The devil fragments, tears and binds your soul with ungodly soul ties. There is also another hidden line of attack. He works to arrest the development of your soul (mind, will, emotions) so that you will remain in a little girl or little boy stage. Although normally the growth of […]
Woman, 36 Years Old (Arrested Development)
Deliverance workers in California report praying for a 36 year old single woman who lived with her mother. The parent is a very dedicated Christian who works in deliverance. The daughter had been taken by her father and subjected to a bizarre ritual of dedication to Satan. Although he was […]
Arrested Development
Arrested Body: physical growth and development slowed or stopped; muscular dystrophy (muscles arrested), Downes Syndrome (Mongoloid); retardation (brain cells arrested); Epstien Barr virus; bodily functions and day to day skills; bed wetting; visual and audio problems; stunted motor skills; midget and stunted growth Arrested Soul: Mind–learning disabilities; fear of learning […]
What is Arrested Development
The following studies of arrested development are based on information gleaned from both scriptural and secular sources, including medical journals. Valuable experience and insights were gained from deliverance workers ministering to individuals in the area of arrested development for the past two years. Undoubtedly there is much more to be […]