Martial Arts Renunciation
Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus and because of His shed blood. I confess that I have sought to learn Martial Arts though fear and fear of rejection (this may not be true for everyone); to seek prestige among men; for revenge; and to hurt other […]
Renunciation of Mind Control/Occult/Binding
Satan, I put you and your demons on notice. I do now renounce any and all legal holds or grounds which spirits of Mind Control/Occult/Bindingmay have on me. In the Name of Jesus Christ I renounce every contact with these spirits which I know about and also those I do […]
Renunciation of Sexual Sins
Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God who takes away the sin of all those who repent and confess Him as Lord. The blood of Christ cleanses me from all sin. I claim freedom from all filth […]
Renunciation of the Occult
Thank you Lord Jesus for dying for my sins, for your glorious resurrection; and for making me a new creature in Christ by faith in You. Dear Lord I confess that, in the past, through ignorance, stupidity or wilfulness, I have sought supernatural experiences apart from You. I have disobeyed […]