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Freedom From Inordinate Affections


After we come to Christ as Saviour, we need to carefully check our former friends and associates. Where there have been wrong activities, a confession of actions, thoughts, desires and attitudes as sins is necessary, claiming forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:9). Many, if not all, of these friendships and alliances will have to be renounced.

Inordinate affections include close friendships outside of the Lord Jesus Christ, involving affections, heterosexual or homosexual contacts and fellowship in other sinful practices.

All former friendships and ties were after the flesh (2 Corinthians 5:16) and the fleshly or carnal mind is enmity with God; not subject to, nor can it ever be, subject to God (Romans 8:7). Remember if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, and all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

To break ungodly connections with the past, this prayer will be helpful:

“Satan, in the name of Jesus I come against the demon authorities who controlled and motivated my relationship with {name friends} and break your power and authority over my life and affection, especially as related to him/her, by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, I remove myself from any authority you ever exercised over me. I renounce all such ties of affection and ask that the Lord Jesus help me to love him/her only with His agape love, in the bowels (affections) of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:8). I give my affections (desires) completely to the Lord Jesus Christ for His use. Amen”.

Note here that the true agape love for a former friend may at this point include staying away from him/her long enough for you to stabilize spiritually. Unsaved former friends will not understand your desire to follow the Lord and may even resent it and attempt to pull away, enticing you to follow them into former habits of sin.

Remember who your first love is. His command is plain: “Come out from among them and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing…” (2 Corinthians 6:17). When in doubt consult with your pastor, parents or others in spiritual authority about the advisability of continuing a former relationship.

If you invite a former friend to come to a church meeting or to fellowship with you where other Christians gather and he/she refuses, then part company with them. Be friendly, but firm, for your Christian growth may well be at stake. If you do not become strong you will never be able to help them. Continue to pray for them as the Lord reminds you of their need of Christ.

You can claim that God will bring him/her back across your path when you are stronger spiritually and when he/she is more interested in seriously seeking the Lord. Know that in the meantime, they will be watching your life to see if your life equals your profession. This is the most important testimony you will be able to give, for if your life does not bear witness, then your words will have little effect in turning them to Christ. You must renounce all pacts, covenants, promises and other binding allegiances to former friends in the world and break all curses which may have been incurred by such relationships or agreements. Try this prayer:

Having confessed my former relationship with {name} as sin because sinful practices were involved, I now break any curses which have come to me as a result of this association. Jesus became a curse for me on the cross (Galatians 3:13) and blotted out the handwriting of ordinances which were against us (Colossians 2:14).

In the name of Jesus, I take authority over every demon who has inhabited my mind, will, emotions, body or spirit because of any friendship outside of Jesus Christ. I have confessed these relationships (with their activities, thoughts, desires and attitudes) as sin.
I have given my affections (desires) and body to the Lord Jesus Christ and all curses are broken. By the authority of Jesus Christ (Luke 10:19, Mark 16:17) and by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8), I command you all to leave now, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Bathe your emotions and mind in scripture, praise, spiritual songs and pure and wholesome thoughts (Ephesians 5:19,26; Ps 34:1; Philippians 4:8). Think about and walk in fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (I Thessalonians 5:17). Pray with the understanding and in the Spirit (Jude 20, 1 Corinthians 14:4), especially when desires for former relationships press.

Resist the evil spirits by using scripture as often as they suggest wrong desires or attitudes for former or new friends (James 4:7; see how Jesus handled this in Matthew 4). Memorizing and meditating on scripture can be an invaluable aid (1 John 2:14).

Fill your days with good hard work (1 Thessalonians 4:11), serve in the church and seek out Christian companions. Find those who have matured in the Lord and cultivate them to learn how to develop a Christ-like character. Renounce and destroy all rock, melancholy and sensual music. Especially shun music which brings remembrance of former sinful pastimes and friends. We are highly susceptible to music and its associations are powerful means of recall. Fill your life with music which promotes and deepens your growth and fellowship with the Lord.

Warfare Prayers - WorleyThe above is an excerpt from “Warfare Prayers, Booklet #4″ by Pastor Win Worley. Copyright © 1983 by Win Worley, Revised © 1991, WRW Publications 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including storage and retrieval system, without securing permission in writing from the publisher, WRW Publications, PO BOX 9309, Highland, IN 46322.
If you’d like to obtain your own copy of not only this, but other materials authored by Win Worley, please contact WRW Publications at www.wrwpublications.com


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