Archive for: Booklet #7
Sicknesses with Demonic Manifestations
EPILEPSY: Symptoms generally considered epileptic in nature include paroxysmal, recurrent attacks of abdominal pain; headaches; dizziness; vomiting; inappropriate laughing spells; chills; flushing; emotional instability; fainting spells, etc. Another form of epileptic attack can be occasional outbursts of irrational and even violent behavior. For example, the painter, Vincent Van Gogh had […]
Spirit of Paralysis
Is it not strange that in the realm of healings there are relatively few among the paraplegics and the quadruplegics? The reason for this lies in the tremendously powerful ruling spirit involved, Paralysis. He controls all diseases and injuries which have to do with the central nervous system and the […]
Possible Roots of Infirmity
God has stored all the things we need for prosperous and happy lives in His Word, the Bible. Carefully hidden behind multitudes of minor to severe ailments and infirmity, lie evil spiritual forces. Constantly they steal, kill and destroy. I am convinced that our abysmal ignorance of the Word of […]
Medicine’s Bondage to Satan
“Medicine” and “physician” in the Scriptures means “to cure, heal or recover completely.” Satan has reversed these meanings. Matthew 5:34-37 forbids swearing or taking an oath to false gods. It is interesting to note the oath Satan has most doctors taking. Although it sounds good it brings a curse from […]
Medicine and the Believer
The word “medicine” occurs in Proverbs 17:22; Jeremiah 30:13, 46:11; and Ezekiel 47:12. Root words are Gehah (a cure); Gahah (to remove or heal); Teruwthah (a remedy); Rephuah (heal). The words mean a complete cure or restoration, to heal completely. The word “physician” is used five times in the Bible. […]