Archive for: Booklet # 8
The Martial Arts
The Martial Arts are more than just a method of self-defense or a system of health exercises. They actually involve a life philosophy derived from eastern religions. The testimonies of Karatekas (a devout practitioner of karate or other form of Martial Arts) do not hide the fact that the Martial […]
Man 20 Years Old (Hooked on Karate)
When I was told that I could take free Karate lessons at my university, I jumped at the chance. As a born-again believer, I had some qualms about Karate’s rather obvious connection with the pagan religions of the East. Foolishly I brushed these aside for I was having too much […]
Martial Arts Renunciation
Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus and because of His shed blood. I confess that I have sought to learn Martial Arts though fear and fear of rejection (this may not be true for everyone); to seek prestige among men; for revenge; and to hurt other […]
Clapping and Rhythm-Joy or Mayhem
As a Charismatic Baptist Church, we do have a few distinctions which differ from practices followed by other congregations who are charismatic. One is that we do not clap our hands in our song services. I do not seek to legislate nor dictate to other assemblies, but offer the following […]
Christian or Jesus Rock Music
Many people endorse so-called “Christian Rock” or “Jesus Rock.” I am forced to disagree. Because rock music is deeply rooted in the occult rhythms and demon worship ceremonies of the Eastern mystery religions it is innately evil and demon laden. We should beware of contact with it lest we be […]
Grounds for Demonic Attack
Demons are not able to attack people at will. They must have legal holds, legal grounds or other open doors to justify their entry. Although Satan’s forces are not invincible they sometimes seem so because of our ignorance of the ground rules, all found in the Scriptures. Spirits of Rebellion, […]
Rock and Roll Music
An outstanding feature of rock music is the unprecedented emphasis it gives to rhythmic beat. This overemphasis on rhythm can have a devastating, hypnotic effect on listeners. The extremely high volume of electronically amplified rock music has actually damaged hearing permanently in some cases. Former Rock and Roll musician Bob […]