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The Martial Arts


The Martial Arts are more than just a method of self-defense or a system of health exercises.  They actually involve a life philosophy derived from eastern religions.  The testimonies of Karatekas (a devout practitioner of karate or other form of Martial Arts)  do not hide the fact that the Martial Arts are more than just a sport.  According to one teacher: “Karantedo (another form of karate) is an art and I teach it as a way out of being, a way of life, as a method of developing one’s self, and not as a sport.”

Karate is not a fighting sport.  This was completely misconstrued by the people of this country where it was taken and turned into a sport. Karate carries the basis of all religions–truth, brotherhood, and love…

“If you live by the tenets set up by the ancient masters then there is very little difference between that and the organized religion of which we know… Physical development is not the whole secret behind the incredible success of these ancient Art Exercises… these exercises put one into contact with one’s inner life force.  In Japan, karate is followed as a religion is followed,” states a teacher.

The Martial Arts include fighting skills which are seen in karate, Kung Fu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do (Korean karate), and many other fighting forms.  These also include healing.  The masters are usually adept in Jiap, which is an acupuncture used without needles (fingertip pressure) and other various massages and mystical formulas.

The Martial Arts teach a concept known as mind, body coordination, which exercises body an mind.  A combination of exercises and meditations help to unite the two, resulting in relaxation, peace, a stronger body and mind.  These Arts are very old and take many forms with many different legends concerning origins.  One says Doruma Taishi, a devout Indian Buddhist monk, developed refined unarmed fighting techniques.  Later the exercises were included in religious lectures to the peasants.  Other Buddhist monks noted the value of developing the ability to concentrate intensely (a requirement of their religion)  so wherever they went they took Tae Kwon Do.

The legend of Jung Fu dates back to 2674 B.C. when the Great Yellow Emperor (Huang Ti)  used it during battle.  By 600 B.C. the philosophy of the Kung Fu warriors was rooted in Taoism and both evolved into systems of practices encompassing breathing techniques, meditation, health, medical techniques and alchemy.

Taoist monks became very adept in all forms of combat and Kung Fu men took to heart Taoist philosophy and practices.  A thousand years later (506 to 536 A.D.) a Buddhist Indian monk taught eighteen “hands” of exercises to strengthen bodies, modified and updated Kung Fu exercises which had been in use for hundreds of years.  Whether the Martial Arts or the religion came first is debatable, but at a very early date the two became intertwined.

Staying healthy was very important to Taoist teaching since it supposedly led to immortality.  Gymnastics, Kung Fu exercises and boxing were used to keep the body in its natural state of health and vitality.  In reality this was keeping it in accord with its Tao.  Cleanliness and diet were important factors also.

Diets included particular herbs and medicines, and long outdoor walks, preferably at sunrise or sunset or during full moons.  Ancient Taoists believed that thousands of deities resided in a person’s internal organs and  were responsible for the body’s condition.

The Martial Arts today basically teach these same principles.  One author writes, “Traditional Chinese medicine’s weapons against ill health were few but extraordinarily effective.  they include acupuncture, moxibustion (a form of therapy in which acupuncture points are gently heated instead of needled), remedial massage, herbal remedies, and most basically, exercise.”  Chinese doctors believed that sickness was caused by an internal weakness and if this was eliminated there would be no cause for disease.  Kung Fu-Wu-Su  is a system of not only developing bodily strength and self-defense but encompasses an entire philosophical system, including healing.

Some Martial Art exercises are attributed to yoga which originated in Hinduism.  They were designed to achieve union with Brahma.  Physical positions and mental discipline were used to induce a state of contemplation (mental activity is suppressed until one becomes tranquil and blissful).  Some Kung Fu exercises are related to yoga and are said to be an improvement of yoga principles.

It is interesting to note that in both Buddhism and degenerate Taoism, meditation and yoga are referred to as Kung Fu.  This Kung Fu or “work”  is the important thing which must be done by the help of meditation in order to do an outer and inner work.  The ultimate objective is to bring man to the congregation of liberated immortals.

Meditation is a very important concept which teaches the expansion of concentration skills through non-concentration.  This means a losing of all awareness of surroundings and perceiving only the action of an exercise.  Students of karate are taught this principle from the very beginning.  Minick writes: “Concentration should be so deep that the exercises literally do themselves.  When this occurs you get maximum benefit…”

Another expert writes, “Through concentration on perfection the mind is released, and a great calm, in which the body moves, is achieved.  Practice of kata was the best way to know the Zen calm.”  Kata is called perfection and release.  Kata is similar to shadow boxing when no opponent is present.  Kung Fu exercises are a form of this and are the heart and core of the Martial Arts.  Karate and jujitsu were derived from the Samurai class of Japan.  The code Samurai was the Shito code, or way of the warrior.  The word samurai means to serve  and, for the most part, Samurai were soldiers.  The Ushito code was based on the Zen Buddhist code of reincarnation.  For Samurai warriors to be willing to kill, die or commit suicide at the mere whim of their master, it was necessary for them to believe in reincarnation.

Zen Buddhists showed their contempt for the Buddhist scriptures by allowing murder and suicide.  One of the most colorful rites of Zen Buddhism was the ritualistic suicide practiced by the Samurai.  Each samurai warrior carried two swords, a long killing sword and a short sword for committing sepuca  or hari kari.

Men and women alike were expected to commit suicide if so ordered by the feudal lord.  Reasons could stem from disobedience, old age, failure, lack of faithfulness, dishonor, injury or losing in battle.  For centuries Buddhists have taken their own lives, following with meticulous care this practice of their religion.  Because of these roots, the modern-day martial arts practitioner opens himself up for demonic spirits such as Suicide, Reincarnation, Meditation, Hypnosis, False Honor.

Zen gives the practitioner the means to transcend thinking.  It is unheard of for a karate instructor not to teach his students kata or even Zen meditation.  Deep breathing is often used in conjunction with meditation or concentration.  Minick wrote, “The Ancient Art exercises, combined with deep breathing have the same goal–the expansion of concentration skills through non-concentration…”

Bruce Tegner writes: “Done properly, yoga breathing will enable a small, relatively weak person to perform physical actions which one would ordinarily expect from a large and strong person.  For karate training, yoga breath control is to be used in conjunction with Ki-Ya (this is the scream used when striking).”

It is claimed that the ancient use of breath control has thousands of documented cases where Kung Fu exercises and breath control have cured duodenal ulcers, depression, and a wide variety of other disorders.

In Hatha Yoga the word for life force (Prana)  and the Chinese equivalent (chi) can both be translated as “breath,” “air” or “energy.”  Both mean the vital force that stirs within each person and causes living, breathing and thinking, and are supposed to achieve unification of the mind.

When one would practice this type of exercise often he would claim to see gods inside his body and feel he had knowledge to conduct his breath behind or to anywhere he wanted.  This is more than CO2 intoxication which causes effects similar to some of the hallucinogenic drugs.

There are also various ascetic exercises such as the “knee raising” exercises.  Essentially it is an advanced contemplation exercise used to blank out pain.  Kung Fu masters felt their pupils were progressing when they could use concentration and total absorption to transcend intense physical annoyances.  A man able to concentrate completely on his breath would eventually win absolute freedom from pain.  This is the same type concentration enabling India’s fakirs to pierce the arms with needles, lie on beds of nails, etc.

Remember, the Martial Arts are not  merely a sport or system of self-defense.  They are a life philosophy  which replaces the belief in a sovereign God.  It has more emphasis on man, and is closely related to Eastern religions and their doctrines and principles.  Even the Western form of karate is still Eastern in nature and practice – firmly rooted in demonic origins.

A young college man with a high I.Q. became involved in karate and moved into a “higher”  form called Iketo.  He was able to move objects in a room by staring at them.  He also became filled with unreasoning fears and even was afraid to enter a grocery store.  Seized with suicidal impulses, he had to fight to keep from throwing himself in front of cars.

At the time the evil spirits left him, they hit the building walls with a crash, bouncing around before actually leaving the area.  The boy fell to the floor as one dead, but soon revived.  His months of torment and harassment by the evil spirits was over.  Such occult experimentation is forbidden in Leviticus 19:31.

Karate works by inducing a passivity in the mind which sets the stage for a type of self-hypnosis.  The demons then enter and give supernatural strength and power.  Karate teachers call this “going into perfection.”

Kung Fu (Chinese karate)  which is rooted in Zen Buddhism, was popularized by the TV series of that name.  Bruce Lee movies (”Enter the Dragon”; “Way of the Dragon”; “Return of the Dragon”; “Game of Death”) also spread the occult science across the nation.  Some spirits commonly found in those who have trained in Martial Arts are: Murder, Hate, Violence, Lust (Asmodeus), Fighting, Rage, Destruction (Osmodeus), Suicide, Sadism and Masochism.

A former Kung Fu student warns that all cultic groups have a self-oriented ideology which omits the need for repentance.  In most cases, they omit the belief in a Godhead separate from themselves and other created matter.  Their programs constantly point the individual toward “self-reliance” and construction of personal powers via meditation, mind concentration, yoga disciplines and matter penetration.

Some of the more heavily demonized individuals have also become very adept at telekinesis, telepathy, mind reading, astral projection and soul travel under the leadership of their demonic guides.

Inviting Demonic Attack - WorleyThe following is an excerpt from “Inviting Demonic Attack, Booklet #8″ by Pastor Win Worley. Copyright © 1983 by Win Worley, Revised © 1991.  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including storage and retrieval system, without securing permission in writing from the publisher, WRW Publications, PO BOX 9309, Highland, IN 46322.

If you’d like to obtain your own copy of not only this, but other materials authored by Win Worley, please contact WRW Publications at www.wrwpublications.com


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