And They Call Us Crazy!
In recent media reports, there is an interesting story on ABC News. March 26, 2012, “French Town Overrun…” In a small town, Bugarach, in southern France; there is an emerging problem. This small community has only hundreds of residents; but finds itself caught up in an influx of immigrants.
To Vote or Not to Vote
1 Timothy 2: 1 to 4 To vote, or not to vote; that is the question? Whether tis nobler to endure the slings and arrows; mostly from friends in the primaries. Or whether we should retaliate. Some candidates take the high road, while others take the low one. Elections tend […]
Kenya Needs Swahili Bibles
Deliverance Pastor Charles Wanyonyi of Mombassa Kenya is requesting Swahili Bibles. The Account Name with Biblica-Africa is Biblica Donor Related Number IBS01 for Pastor Franklin c/o Pastor Charles Wanyonyi Contact info for Prices & give account # above: John Maina (Biblica-Africa) <> Bookshop Manager Biblica -Caledonia, Kenya, Africa Tel: (254 20) […]