50 Shades of Perversion
“Women just feel like it’s O.K. to read it,” she said. “It’s taboo for women to admit that they watch pornography, but for some reason it’s O.K. to admit that they’re reading it (50 Shades of Grey).” -Fan
Johnny Depp Understands Spirit Guides
“…To be an actor you have to be, in a sense, out of control.” – Johnny Depp
“Method” to His Madness
The news lit up stories this month nearly four years ago about a star (Heath Ledger) who died in tragedy. Many claimed this resulted from controversial acting choices. Others claimed it was addiction to drugs. While some suspect the combination of both. Whether it was either or both, this was […]
Are You All-Seeing This?
A popular trend is taking over the youth with a stronger force than before. The trend of covering or focusing on an eye has now developed
Twilight Author in Love with Demons
An author of the Twilight Series and faithful mormon prepares to watch the success of the third installment in her series on the big screen. Her name is
Assassin’s Creed (Videogame) & the Occult
“Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted” claims the theme of the historical science fiction game, Assassin’s Creed. The anarchist view cultivates as the gamer is captivated
Denzel Calls on Spirits of Slaves
With a mother being a gospel singer and father a Pentecostal Preacher, Denzel Washington claims his faith as a christian and shares openly that he attends