Archive for: Booklet #15
Man, 25 Years Old (Caught on the Horns of Deception)
I was two and a half years into my second marriage and we were attending a small prayer and Bible study group which met in a home. Much to our surprise, the lady of the house began to cast out demons from those in attendance. Since we were all amateurs […]
Marks of Cultism Summary
Because of the prevalence of religious cults which have destroyed thousands, perhaps the identifying characteristics of them should be repeated. All cultic systems will contain one or more of the following; 1. Deceptive Christology 2. Extra-Biblical revelations 3. Translocal totalitarian authority in leadership 4. Babylonian pyramiding control of the followers […]
The Demonic Roots of Freemasonry
According to accredited Masonic historians, the lodge claims to be a revival of the ancient philosophy of Egypt, Phoenicia and other pagan nations. These all practiced a secret worship in honor of a sun god (Lucifer).
Religious Deception
We are warned of false prophets and teachers (Matthew 7:15-27; Mark 13:22; Acts 20:28-32; 2 Timothy 4:3, 4; 1 John 4:1-3; 2 Peter 2:1). Many claiming to give prophetic words are not from the Lord. They will often claim direct revelation from God and insist it must be obeyed without […]
Beware! Try the Spirits
I must mention something about certain types of people who may block or hinder deliverance. Probably you are aware of groups who practice snake handling and even drink poisons to demonstrate their spirituality. This is a demonic mockery of Mark 16:15-18, for “thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” […]