Archive for: Rick Joyner & Joel’s Army
Christian Fortune-Tellers Never Get it Right
In an editorial in the last issue of The Quarterly Journal, co-director G. Richard Fisher explored the world of tabloid prognosticators and how an undiscerning world is all too quick to “”run after psychics and psychic
New Order of the Latter Rain: Their History and Legacy
There is nothing new under the sun said Solomon, this goes as well for the new “prophets/apostles” movement that can be traced to late 1940’s revival called The “New Order of the Latter Rain”. From the Latter Rain
Birth of the Man-Child
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Tim 4:1)”Yes, amen! Yes, Lord, amen, yes Lord! Ooohhhhh, yes,
Warning! The Kansas City Prophets
The Kansas City Prophets by Bob Hunter-Inside a Prophetic Service The “prophet” had the crowd following every word he said