Archive for: Catholicism
Roman Catholic Churches Put Mary On the Cross
In spite of claims of contemporary Catholic propagandists, the Roman Catholic Church worships Mary. She has been exalted as the sinless Mother of God
Pakistani Catholics, Muslims Flock to Marian Shrine
For 10 years, Zakir Hussain and his wife consulted gynecologists and even visited clairvoyants to see how they could have children.Now the father of two sons,
Pope Organizes Exorcist Teams
Pope’s exorcist A-teams will wage war on Satan • Item 20237 • Posted: Saturday December 29, 2007
Haunted by Demonic Spirits
It was Sunday morning when I went forward for prayer. Soon after the pastor began to pray, a demon named Fear of Death manifested himself. After much crying, screaming and begging for mercy, in the name of Jesus he was cast out. One after another demon spirits manifested, some identifying […]
Freed from Religious Spirits
I had been a Roman Catholic for 30 years when my husband and I began to attend Catholic Charismatic meetings. It was here we both became born-again, spirit-filled believers. As the spirit of god led us, we began to seek truth, for “God is a Spirit and they that worship […]
Man (Freed from Roman Catholicism)
Friday night I was delivered from many evil spirits which came from the Roman Catholic Church. Pastor Worley had mentioned in his sermon that prayer to the saints was anti-Scriptural. I was shocked when something inside of me boiled up with hatred for him and what he was saying. I […]
Man (An Ex-Roman Catholic Priest)
I pastor an independent charismatic church. Pastor Worley’s visit there in December, 1979 revolutionized the ministry here and after he left a heavy anointing for deliverance remained. For about two weeks, morning and night, we continued to cast out demons after our teaching sessions and there were wonderful fruits. I […]
List of Roman Catholic Heresies
List of Heresies, And human inventions adopted and perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in the course of 1600 years (Compiled by Rev. Stephen L. Testa) In some cases these dates are approximate. Many heresies had been current in the church years before, but they were not binding on Catholics […]
A Curse Against Protestants
One of the authorized curses published in the Romish Pontifical, to be used against Protestants, reads as follows: “May God Almighty and all his saints curse them with the curse with which the devil and his angels are cursed. Let them be destroyed out of the land of the living. […]