Tattoo: The Mark of Rebellion
The Bible, from cover to cover, and over and over, condemns rebellion. The Lord God considered rebellion so serious ––
Tattoo: The Cup of Devils
TATTOO. . . YE WORSHIP YE KNOW NOT WHAT TATTOO. . . THE CUP OF DEVILS “Ye worship ye know not what. . .” Jesus Christ, John 4:22
“For This is Thankworthy”
Believers who speak forth regarding the sufficiency of Christ and who speak out against false systems of sanctification found in psychotherapy
Self-Esteem for Christians?
Do children and adults really need self-esteem? Does low self-esteem lead to serious life problems? Should parents attempt to build self-esteem in their children?
Are Women Innocent Victims?
Are Women Innocent Victims? by Carol Tharp Almy, M.D. The Bible views women and men as equally responsible
False Memory Syndrome: Creating Memories
PART ONE “Christian psychologists” follow the theories of secular theorists and they pick up certain ideas and treat them as truth.
Victims of Memory
The recent epidemic proportions of the “false memory syndrome” have spawned a number of books providing both information and counsel. Victims of Memory by Mark Pendergrast is one of the thickest, most extensively researched of such volumes, written by a man whose two grown daughters have accused him of serious […]
Promise Keepers and the New Age Church
PK Plan for the Church… Revealed by Bill McCartney… Excerpted from Al Dager’s Report Contributing to the report are Albert Dager of Media Spotlight, David Cloud who first posted this report,
A Brief Theological Analysis of Hyper-Preterism
From time to time I receive letters from men declaring themselves “Reconstructionist” and “consistent preterist.” The “consistent preterist” believes that all prophecy is fulfilled in the A. D. 70 destruction of the Temple,
Public Schools: Pagan Indoctrination Centers By Joel Turtel Many public schools have become pagan religion indoctrination centers.