Psychic Prayer Equals Witchcraft
Psychic prayer attempts to pressure the Lord to cause an individual to move in a certain direction. Whether or not the direction desired is God’s will for the person makes no difference. Praying with wrong motivations to force others to act, think or feel a certain way, constitutes psychic prayer. Because this is a disguised form of witchcraft and Jezebellic manipulation, it is extremely dangerous.
Soulish prayer enlists the human spirit and attempts to pressure the spirit and mind of another person to come around to the desired way of thinking. Such an attempt to play God and force decisions on others is a form of manipulation which can have a hurtful effect, especially when the parties are open to each other.
For example, a man may desire to gain the affections of a young lady. Because he desires this so earnestly he is convinced it must be God’s will for a close relationship. Although he takes his request to the Lord, it is possible his mind is already made up and “prayer” becomes more of a pressing for confirmation than seeking for God’s will.
Deceiving spirits can arrange circumstances so they appear to be the desired confirmation. He may even feel sure that he had heard directly from the Lord with a revelation concerning the matter. Encouraged, he prays earnestly that her eyes be opened to receive the same “revelation” concerning him. Mentally he has put a claim on her spirit and is attempting to place her in a form of spiritual bondage to himself, even if she is unaware of this.
Continuing to pray in this manner will bring the force of his psychic prayers to bear to influence her and bypass her will. She may begin to question why she is thinking about the man so much with no apparent reason, especially if she had felt no particular drawing toward him up to now. On the other hand, when he notices the awakening of her interest, he will believe firmly that God is answering his prayers and will step up his efforts.
When a spirit of lust is driving this process, it also will be transmitted through the media of psychic prayers. The female may begin to wonder why she feels such a physical drawing to the one who previously held no such attraction. She may not be a logical thinker, unable to discern what is going on. If this is true, she might be pressured into a relationship by the sheer force of these psychic prayers.
Sometimes a woman is able to sit down and analyze the factors leading to this. Even if she decides she wants no part of this relationship, sometimes she still may be overwhelmed by the strong witchcraft spirits at work. When this occurs she can be pressured into a relationship loaded with bondage for her.
When she does sidestep the relationship by refusing to become involved, nevertheless, she may go through months of confused feelings and psychic torment. It is amazing that this could be initiated by someone performing charismatic witchcraft by projecting soulish thoughts and prayers upon her.
Relationships created by psychic manipulation are marked by heaviness and intensity, rather than lightness and joy. This is because when witchcraft spirits are operating they bring strong lustful desires to possess and dominate. Should the lady be friendly and open to the man, a transfer of spirits will cause her to begin to feel as he does.
When one is driven to please a partner by sacrificing, hiding or altering his own personality, that relationship is based on bondage and is unhealthy. When the real personality does surface, confusion about proper feelings or actions indicate a loss of freedom. It is possible to go on for years in this fashion. In the process there is an actual loss of their own identity by submersion in the personality of another.
God never purposed that we become carbon copies, puppets or robots controlled and manipulated by others. By so doing many have surrendered their wills to another person rather than to the Lord.
A witch casts a love (lust) spell on a reluctant partner by concentrating psychic forces on the person. Most commonly this is done by using the victim’s articles of clothing or photographs. Through the force of psychic prayers a similar thing can be accomplished. Possession of something which belongs to the one targeted he wishes to influence can be used. It is possible to unknowingly act as a witch by holding onto these articles physically as he is holding the person spiritually.
When such a relationship has been broken off, it is best to dispose of all articles and possessions belonging to the other person. This will prevent such objects from being channels of psychic attack. It is not completely understood exactly how this works but many times it has happened. Harmful soul ties are often involved and for some reason rings seem to be particularly dangerous in this connection.
Another example of psychic prayer occurs when groups of people gather for prayer to make “intercession” for a person whom they are trying to force into a course of action they approve. This could include prayer for a pastor that he lead the church in a certain way, take certain actions, or that his “eyes be opened” concerning his “deception.”
Any prayers which attempt to second-guess God’s will about something is like walking a spiritual tightrope. We must learn to pray directed by Holy Spirit lest we fall into the realm of witchcraft. We need to know what the Scripture teaches about prayer.
Spiritual warfare prayers are to be directed against the powers of darkness rather than toward a human being. This form of prayer may indeed be the purest, undefiled by our own carnal desires. To properly and successfully war in the spirit, there must be discernment as to who and where the enemy is. Pin point rather than using broadside attacks to collapse the satanic strongholds which bind people. Through such discernment and guidance severe damage can be dealt to the enemy.
When the Lord Jesus taught the disciples to pray the model prayer there was no mention of trying to influence other people in any way. We should use this as model of prayer principles. Never allow prayer to become soulish and degenerate into the realm of witchcraft and psychic powers.
Annihilating the Hosts of Hell-Book 1 © 1981 by Win Worley, pp. 64-67. W R W, P.O. Box85 2626, Mesquite, TX, 75185.
The following is an excerpt from “Mind Control, Booklet #12″ by Pastor Win Worley. Copyright © 1983 by Win Worley, Revised © 1993. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including storage and retrieval system, without securing permission in writing from the publisher, WRW Publications, PO Box 852626, Mesquite, TX 75185.
If you’d like to obtain your own copy of not only this, but other materials authored by Win Worley, please contact WRW Publications at
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