Praying Against the New Age and Ascended Masters
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The following is an excerpt from “Warfare Prayers, Booklet #4 by Pastor Win Worley. Copyright © 1983 by Win Worley, Revised © 1991. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including storage and retrieval system, without securing permission in writing form the publisher, WRW Publications, PO Box 852626, Mesquite, TX 75185.
If you’d like to obtain your own copy of not only this, but other Warfare Prayers, please contact WRW Publications and ask for “Warfare Prayers, Booklet #4 by Pastor Win Worley.
Heavenly Father, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I bind and cast down the strongman and every stronghold of Satan over the New Age Movement.
I also bind and cast down all Principalities, Powers, Might, Kingdoms, Thrones, Dominions, Nobles,Princes, Kings, Rulers of Darkness who are driving the demonic forces behind this evil movement.
In Jesus Christ’s name, from my position in the third heaven, I bind and cast down all of the Ascended Masters and Spirit Guides.
Heavenly Father, I ask in Jesus name that you instruct your angels to come by the legions to attack, bind and pull down the works of all of the Mind Control, Mind Occult and Mind Binding spirits.
In Jesus mighty name, I rebuke, bind and cast down all evil spirits working through Witchcraft, Sorcery,Divination and Necromancy.
I rebuke, bind and cast down all spirits working through Eastern Mysticism, Reincarnation, Transcendental Meditation, Soul Travel, Martial Arts and Yoga, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I rebuke, bind and cast down all wicked spirits working through Mantras, Tantra, Chakras, Maithuna Hatha Yoga, Mundra, Yantra, Ying and Yang, in Jesus’ name.
I bind, rebuke and cast down all the Familiar spirits which are being channeled through visualization, spirit guides, inner healing, ascended masters, crystal helpers, bodiless spheres of light, dolphin deva and so called universal intelligence.
In the name of Jesus Christ I bind, rebuke, cast down and strip the powers from all of the New Age gods of Maitreya, Vishnu, Imam Mahad, “Christ” Sanat Kumana, Shiua and the Kundalini.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I also come against, bind and cast down the following spirits who are being “channeled”: Adept; Alexander; Alien Soul; Ascended Masters; Astar Command; Basher; Celestial Seed; Crystal Woman; Divine Flame Holder; Divine Counterpart; Djwal Khul; Dr. Peebles; El Morya; Eleutheria; Enchantment; Enlightened Master; Emmanuel; Etherion; Fortuneteller; Global Dreamer; Goddess; Guru; Healer; High Priest, Hilarion; Holy One; Initiate; Jaguar Woman; Jason; “Jesus”; John; Jonah; Konar; Kristos; Kuthumi; Lanto; Lazaris; Light Worker; Lilly; Maat; Mafu; Magician; Master R; Master; Medicine Woman; Medicine Man Sorcerer; Medicine Man; Mentor; Mystic; Mystical Traveler; Old Chinese; Oracle; Orion; Power Woman; Prophet; Quan Yin; Ra; Ramtha; Saint; Sananda; Savant; Seer; Seth; Shaman; Shepherd; Soli; Soothsayer; Soul Projection; St. Germain; Star Seed; Rainbow Warrior; Sunat Kumara; The Michael Entity; Visionary; Warlock; White Eagle; Witch Doctor; Witch; Wizard; Xax; Zosh.
Heavenly Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray for your will in putting a lying spirit (I Kings 22:22,23; 2 Chron 18:21,22) in the mouths of all the New Age prophets to bring utter confusion on the plans of the enemy. For myself, Heavenly Father, I pray that you would give me wisdom and knowledge concerning what I can do to combat the New Age Movement and how to be an effective warrior and witness for Jesus Christ.
Ascended Masters of the New Age Movement
An Ascended Master is defined by the New Age Movement as a highly evolved being who has progressed through all experiences that this planet can offer and no longer needs to incarnate (be born). The writers of the New Age Movement state that the Masters of Wisdom already have evolved through the five inner experiences known as initiations. These so called Ascended Masters are in reality the Strong Man that are ruling the demonic order in the heavenlies. These demonic forces can and should be attacked in the heavenlies and bound in Jesus Name (Eph 3:10).
A Guru is simply a spiritual teacher and indicates no particular rank. Masters take a male body in their last incarnation for energetic reasons, for there is no such thing as gender on the soul level. The first stage of the teaching, which reveals the existence of the Masters to the West, came through Helena Blavatsky. She was a co-founder of the Theosophical Society (Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine). This teaching was to precede the advent of the New Age and pave the way for it. The second phase of esoteric teachings was presented in Alice Bailey’s books. She acted as the amanuensis for Master Djwhal Khul. As early as 1948, the imminent return of the Christ was foretold. After 1975 the Christ would be in the world.
The Women’s Movement is said to have been inspired by the Hierarchy of Masters.
The Masters of Wisdom or Strong Men
Master Jesus —This tremendously powerful ruling spirit is the New Christ. He is the Strong Man over the Christian church. He and his operates (demons) will try to establish heaven on earth through Word Faith, the manifest sons of God, Reconstructionists and the Dominion Movements. And will physically move (John 16:2)anyone out of the way who will not follow their teachings – BEWARE AND BE WARNED!
Master DK (Djwal Khul, also known as the Tibetan)—This evil spirit is responsible for the enormous educational effort through the writings and teachings of Alice Bailey.
English Master—This evil spirit allegedly resides in Britain and guides the Anglo-Saxon race and plans its future development. He sponsors the worldwide labor movement and is occupied with economic problems.
Master Hilarion (Saul of Tarsus,‘the apostle was an earlier incarnation)— This demon energizes psychic research everywhere. He and his minions started the Spiritualist movement.
Master KH (Koot Hoomi)– He is the ruling spirit who will succeed the Lord Maitreya as the World Teacher in the future. He was involved with founding the Theosophical Movement.
Master Morya—This ruling spirit is one of the best known Masters of Wisdom. He works closely with Master KH. He inspires statesmen and works to carry out racial evolution.
Master R (Rakoczi) This ruling spirit works largely through esoteric rituals and ceremonies and carries out plans of the executive council of the Lodge.
Master P—This demon works under the Master R in North America and is connected with such esoteric mental sciences as New Thought and Christian Science.
Master Serapis – This powerful demon is the energizing force behind the great art movements of the world, the evolution of music, painting and drama. At present, he works with the deva or angel evolution until their agency makes possible great revelations in the world of music and painting which lie immediately ahead.
The above is an excerpt from “Warfare Prayers, Booklet #4″ by Pastor Win Worley. Copyright © 1983 by Win Worley, Revised © 1991, WRW Publications 2004. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including storage and retrieval system, without securing permission in writing from the publisher, WRW Publications, PO BOX 9309, Highland, IN 46322.
If you’d like to obtain your own copy of not only this, but other materials authored by Win Worley, please contact WRW Publications at
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