Benny Hinn on Talking to the Dead (Necromancy)
Look at these statements made by Mr. Hinn at the Blaisdale Arena, Honolulu, HI, on February 28, 1997.
I’ve know moments of such anointings, it’s really hard for me to describe those moments. I’ve known moments when I’ve not only felt the presence of God, I’ve smelled the presence of God. I did this morning right here. And others around me smelled the fragrance of frankincense. In Detroit, Michigan, so great was the presence of God, the entire building filled up with a mist and we began to breathe in and smell it, frankincense, presence of the Lord. Steve Brock, you smelled it with me and Ron . . . I’ve seen the presence of God. I’ve not only felt it. I’ve not only smelled it. I’ve seen it with my own eyes.”
“He’s more real to me than my own children. Do you know something? that is difficult for me to explain I’m just gonna tell you. Whenever I talk to Him, I see Him. I can tell you what He wears, I can tell you what color He has on. I’ve seen that so many times. I’m, I’m talking about regular. When I talk to the Lord at times I see Him wearing a, a, a, often most times I’d see Him blue, beautiful, almost like a silkish-looking garment. And under it would be white garment. A white and a scarlet garment. I’ve seen Him at times when just pure white altogether. You say, ‘When do you see Him?’ I don’t know, I just see Him. And often when I see Him, I know whether He is pleased with me or displeased with me. There’s been times when I see Him with a smile. Other times I’ve seen Him with a very serious look. Other times I couldn’t really tell it’s almost like a mist around His face I couldn’t tell. I don’t understand why He allows me to see that. But I do. And He speaks to me so clearly. He tells me to say things and do things and pray even for things. You know, I ask Him questions that most people probably don’t ask Him. Example, I said, ‘Lord, show my my future. Actually, I had a vision. I saw myself as an old man with white hair and I had a dark suit on with stripes, and my girls . . . thirties, old thirties, and they had beautiful curly hair. They looked like Dino’s wife. What’s her name? Dino’s wife? Gary’s sister? Sharon. I said, ‘Lord, how long will I live?’ He told me. He said, ‘Sixty-nine. If you take care of yourself, seventy-three.’ So I want to buy a treadmill. I’ve asked Him these kind of things. I’ve asked him things about people.”
“This is recently. I’m not talking about a long time ago. He was about six feet two. Old man. Had a beard. White-like Norvelles jacket. Glistening white beard. His face was somewhat thin. But, very bold! Eyes – crystal blue. He had on a white garment; whiter than my shirt could ever get. On his head was a shawl, like a, like a covering. He looked like a priest. Every part of him glistened like crystal. And I spoke out and I said, ‘Lord, who is this man I see?’ I know you may, you may think I lost my mind, but the Lord said, ‘Elijah, the prophet!’ I never heard the Lord say that to me you know when that happened? That happened days before the anointing on my life doubled. Literally, the ministries’ anointing doubled after that. I’ve never shared this, I’ve been scared people are going to think he’s gone crazy! And, it happened twice! Two nights; one and the next day. And right after that, the anointing on this ministry doubled. Now, I don’t understand why the Lord allowed me to see that. I’ve not just seen angels; I’ve seen saints. Can I tell you? This might even shock you a little more. The Lord gave me a vision of Kathryn Kuhlman sitting with what seemed to be a group of people . . . and every one of them seemed to be urging me to pray. Now, I know this sounds crazy, but it’s all right. I don’t mind crazy because I liked what I saw . . . I was in prayer at uh, least hours . . . At least fifty to seventy of them sitting in a group, and they were saying to me, ‘Pray! Ask God to give you a healing ministry that will touch the world! And suddenly, I heard Kathryn’s voice and suddenly there she was its crystal clear. And she in her beautiful smile, she said, ‘Ask! We’re waiting for you to ask! We’re praying with you to ask!’ And the vision disappeared. And suddenly I said, ‘Lord!’ And I asked. A week later the anointing hit my life. I believe the saints in Heaven urge us to pray. Urge us to do it! Do you know why I believe it? It’s in the Bible! You say, ‘Show it to me.’ Jesus saw Moses and Elijah who came to talk to Him about His passion on the cross! Ladies and gentlemen, there is way more than what you know about God! And the reason I’m telling you all of this? The Lord said to me only a few days ago. He said, ‘You’re about to come to a new level. Get ready!’ And I’m already feeling the rumblings in the heavenlies. Somebody is about to talk to me again. Something is about to happen again. I don’t know what it is. I’m so excited, I feel butterflies in my tummy. I feel something. I’ve had three prophets lately, absolutely, people that know the voice of God that have said to me, ‘You’re about to walk into a new inheritance in the spirit.’ I don’t know what it is, when it is, but it’s coming. And tonight, the Lord is putting it upon my heart to pray for you that you should walk into a new inheritance in the Holy Ghost.” (Excerpted from message presented at the Blaisdale Arena, Honolulu, HI, 2/28/97).
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