HBC holds Deliverance Conferences in April, July, October and the men have a Leadership Conference in January. Learn how get involved in Spiritual Warfare. These conferences have speakers who are active in deliverance teaching on specific topics covering warfare. Personal One-on-One Deliverance is prayed following each night/service.
Thu22Jan2015Sun25Jan20156:00 pmHegewisch Baptist Church
Thursday, January 22, 2015
- 6:00 Pm “Catching the Vision of Deliverance” – Pastor Thierer*
Friday, January 23, 2015
- 1:30 Pm Introductions and Testimonies
- 3:00 Pm “Suffering From A Lack of Spiritual Depth” – Pastor Thierer
- 4:00 Pm “TBA” – TBA*
- 5:00 Pm Dinner in Fellowship Hall
- 7:00 Pm “Are You Being Led In or Out of Bondage” – Pastor Mobley*
Saturday, January 24, 2015
- 10:30 Am “Deliverance Should Lead You to Self-Discipline and Commitment” – Brother Lopez*
- 12:00 Pm (1 ½ Hour Break)
- 1:30 Pm “Walking As Children of Light” – Brother DiBona
- 3:00 Pm “Men of Truth and Without Guile” – Pastor Goguen
- 4:00 Pm Questions and Answers Session
- 5:00 Pm (2 Hour Break)
- 7:00 Pm Mass Or Group Deliverance*
Sunday, January 25, 2015
- 10:30 Am “Mini-Mass Deliverance” – Pastor Thierer*
*Personal One On One Deliverance Prayer Offered Following the Service
Thu23Apr2015Sun26Apr20156:00 pmHegewisch Baptist Church - IN
View Entire flyer Here
Thursday, April 23, 20156:00 Pm “All Christians Are Commanded to do Deliverance” – Pastor Michael Thierer*
8:30 Pm Personal Deliverance Prayer OfferedFriday, April 24, 2015
10:00 Am - 5:00 P.M. Video Tapes Of Previous Workshops (Bookroom Will Be Open During The Day)
6:00 Pm “Carnal, Immature Christians and Their Demons” – Brother Noe Lopez
8:30 Pm Personal Deliverance Prayer OfferedSaturday, April 25, 2015
9:10 Am Please Join Us For Coffee/Juice & Fruit/Donuts Downstairs In Our Fellowship Hall
10:30 Am “Battling Demons” – Pastor James Mobley
12:00 Pm Lunch Break (1 ½ Hour Break)
1:30 Pm “My Grace is Sufficient for Thee!” – Pastor John Goguen
3:00 Pm “Being Doers of Deliverance and Not Hearers Only” – Pastor Michael Thierer
4:00 Pm Dinner Break (2 Hour Break)
6:00 Pm Mass Or Group DeliveranceSunday, April 26, 2015
10:30 Am “Defeating Demons Through the Armor of God” – Pastor Michael ThiererMotel/Hotel Information
Comfort Inn Shuttle to or from HBC 219-845-4678
Marriott, Fairfield No HBC Shuttle 219-845-6950 OR 800-952-2027
We have a block of rooms set aside at the Inn of Hammond. Mention the Hegewisch Baptist Church for discount rate. Rates may not include tax and are subject to change. To avoid disappointment, make room reservations no later than 3 - 4 weeks prior to the Workshop.Public transportation:
Greyhound Bus: (219) 886-3041.
Coach USA: (800) 248-8747.
Amtrak: (800) 872-7245.
South Shore Train: (219) 398-0055.
Cabs from Coach USA Bus Station to the church:
Best Cab: (219) 932-2169.
Triple A Cab: (219) 972-3233.8711 Cottage Grove Ave.
Highland, IN -
Fri22May2015Sun24May2015The Ministry of Salvation - New Jersey
Friday May 22 Praise & Worship
7:00 Brother Robert Coker “Soldier Up”
Saturday May 23
8-9:00 Join us for a light breakfast at Fellowship Hall
9-10:00 Visitors Welcome- Worship & Testimonies
10-11:00 Brother Alan Hainsworth- “Do You Know Your Foundational Stones?”
11-12:00 Dr. Sandy Giacobbe- “One Mans Search For The Truth”
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:00 Worship
2:00-3:00 Brother Paul Devine- “Marriage Breaking, Family Destroying Spirits”
3:00-4:00 Pastor John Goguen –Agape Bible Fellowship, East Aurora NY “Tackling The Spirit Of The World
”Pastored Agape Bible Fellowship, East Aurora NY since 1989. He was trained at and graduated from both Philadelphia Biblical University (B.S. in Bible) and Dallas Theological
Seminary (Th.M. in Theology). He is a licensed and ordained Southern
Baptist Minister, but prefers to be now known as a "Bapti - Costal".4:00-6:00 Dinner Break- Pot Luck Fellowship Hall
6:00-7:00 Worship/ 7:30 Mass Deliverance
Sunday May 24, 2013
9:00 Continental Breakfast- provided
10:00 Testimonies
10:30 Worship
11:30 Sunday Sermon: Pastor Charlie
“You’re In The Army Now Stand and Fight”
12:30 One on One Deliverance
Hotels & Transportation
From NYC Port Authority to Phillipsburg Rt22 Phillipsburg Mall visit Trans Bridge Lines Schedule. Transportation from Phillipsburg to The Ministry of Salvation will be provided by The Ministry of Salvation. Please call Pastor Charles to set up 201-803-3083
Holiday Inn Clinton NJ (888) 978-6498
Belvidere Hotel (908) 475-2006
Registration fees Adult (13 years & up) 3 to 12 Years Old $20.00
There is no charge for children. Registration fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. (Canadian & foreign postal money orders in U.S. funds only) Make registration donations payable to The Ministry of Salvation 76 Belvidere NJ 07863 Registration includes: Breakfast & Dinner
Names of registrants as you would like them to appear on name badge - Please clearly print.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Costello 201-803-3083
76 Belvidere Avenue
Oxford, NJ 07863 -
Fri24Jul2015Sun26Jul20156:00 pmHegewisch Baptist Church - IN
Thursday, July 23, 2015
6:00 Pm “Pride and Foolishness" - Roza
8:30 Pm Personal Deliverance Prayer OfferedFriday, July 24, 2015
10:00 Am - 5:00 P.M. Video Tapes Of Previous Workshops (Bookroom Will Be Open During The Day)
6:00 Pm “Victory Over The Demonic Roots Of Bitterness & Resentment" - Lopez
8:30 Pm Personal Deliverance Prayer OfferedSaturday, July 25, 2015
9:10 Am Please Join Us For Coffee/Juice & Fruit/Donuts Downstairs In Our Fellowship Hall
10:30 Am “Dealing With The Sin(s) Of Homosexuality" - Dibona
12:00 Pm Lunch Break (1 ½ Hour Break)
1:30 Pm “Demon's Working In The Church!" - Mobley
3:00 Pm “Quicken Me According to Thy Judgement" - Mobley
4:00 Pm Dinner Break (2 Hour Break)
6:00 Pm Mass Or Group DeliveranceSunday, April 26, 2015
10:30 Am “How Satan's Wiles Of Unbelief Steal Your Victory" - CostelloMotel/Hotel Information
Comfort Inn Shuttle to or from HBC (219-845-4678)
Marriott, Fairfield No HBC Shuttle (219-845-6950) OR (800-952-2027)
We have a block of rooms set aside at the Comfort Inn. Mention the Hegewisch Baptist Church for discount rate. Rates may not include tax and are subject to change. To avoid disappointment, make room reservations no later than 3 - 4 weeks prior to the Workshop.Public transportation:
Greyhound Bus: (219) 886-3041.
Coach USA: (800) 248-8747.
Amtrak: (800) 872-7245.
South Shore Train: (219) 398-0055.
Cabs from Coach USA Bus Station to the church:
Best Cab: (219) 932-2169.
Triple A Cab: (219) 972-3233.8711 Cottage Grove Ave.
Highland, IN -
Thu22Oct2015Sun25Oct20156:00 pmHegewisch Baptist Church - IN
Thursday, October 22, 20156:00 Pm “Deliverance, So Simple, Even A Christian Can Do It" - Thierer
8:30 Pm Personal Deliverance Prayer OfferedFriday, October 23, 2015
10:00 Am - 5:00 P.M. Video Tapes Of Previous Workshops (Bookroom Will Be Open During The Day)
6:00 Pm “Christians Armed To Take The Promised Land" - Roza
8:30 Pm Personal Deliverance Prayer OfferedSaturday, October 24, 2015
9:10 Am Please Join Us For Coffee/Juice & Fruit/Donuts Downstairs In Our Fellowship Hall
10:30 Am “The Spirit Of The Bereans And Deliverance" - Lopez
12:00 Pm Lunch Break (1 ½ Hour Break)
1:30 Pm “Following Jesus In Deliverance" - Mobley
3:00 Pm “Exposing The Spirit Of Python" - Goguen
4:00 Pm Dinner Break (2 Hour Break)
6:00 Pm Mass Or Group DeliveranceSunday, October 25, 2015
10:30 Am “Mini Mass Deliverance Based On Philippians 4:8-9" - ThiererMotel/Hotel Information
Comfort Inn Shuttle to or from HBC (219-845-4678)
Marriott, Fairfield No HBC Shuttle (219-845-6950) OR (800-952-2027)
To avoid disappointment, make room reservations no later than 3 - 4 weeks prior to the Workshop.Public transportation:
Greyhound Bus: (219) 886-3041.
Coach USA: (800) 248-8747.
Amtrak: (800) 872-7245.
South Shore Train: (219) 398-0055.
Cabs from Coach USA Bus Station to the church:
Best Cab: (219) 932-2169.
Triple A Cab: (219) 972-3233.8711 Cottage Grove Ave.
Highland, IN -
Fri04Dec2015Sun06Dec2015The Ministry of Salvation - New Jersey
December 4, 5 & 6 Healing & Deliverance Conference
76 Belvidere Ave | Oxford, NJ 07863
Friday December 4
6:00 pm Meet and Greet /Praise & WorshipSaturday December 5
8-9:00 Join us for a continental breakfast in Fellowship Hall
9am Registration /Visitors Welcome- Worship & Testimonies
10:30-11:30 Bro. Wil Manga- The Ministry of Salvation "Are You Walking"
11:30-12:30 Bro. Alan Hainsworth- Revelation 3:19 "Are You Listening"
12:00-2:30 Lunch
2:30-3:00 Worship
3:00-4:00 Bro. Peter De Bona -California" The Weapons of our Warfare Are"
4:00-5:00 Bro. Halbert C. Casey – "Soul Ties"
Missionary to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ with the message of Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, and Intercession.
Reaching out to those who will not darken the door of a church. Hal from Germany to the US in late 80's and was brought to Salvation by a Sovereign personal move of God, Baptized in the Holy Spirit two weeks later, then God thrust him into the deliverance ministry.
5:00 Mass Deliverance- Hal Casey/Wil Manga
Sunday 6, December
9:00 Continental Breakfast- provided
10:00 Testimonies
10:30 Worship
11:00 Sunday Sermon: Pastor Charlie
“ The Perfect Shepherd”
12:30 One on One Deliverance· Conference badges will be required Friday through Saturday night. Deliverance will be offered Friday, Saturday evenings and Sunday after service.
· Parents: Our nursery will be open for children ages 0-12yrs old. Parent must attend your children.
· We will be in the House of the Lord so please wear appropriate attire.
· The Book room will be opened during the day announcements will be made as to the times.Hotels & Transportation
From NYC Port Authority to Clinton New Jersey via Trans Bridge Lines. Transportation from Clinton to The Ministry of Salvation will be provided by The Ministry of Salvation. Please call Pastor Charles to set up 201-803-3083
Holiday Inn Clinton NJ (888) 978-6498
Belvidere Hotel (908) 475-2006There is no charge for children. Registration fees are strictly non-refundable and non-transferable. (Canadian & foreign postal money orders in U.S. funds only) Make registration donations payable to The Ministry of Salvation 76 Belvidere NJ 07863 Registration includes: Breakfast
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Costello 201-803-3083